Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 4 Watson Lake to Whitehorse YT

Day 4 was a short one we only traveled 274 miles. We had planned to make Whitehorse a down day in order to due laundry and take a little break. The Alaskan Highway from Watson Lake to Whitehorse is pretty nice highway. The countryside is wide with rolling hills and at least 50 feet of clearing on either side of the road. The temp was 66 degrees when we left Watson Lake but quickly dropped to 55 degrees, and after about and hour Big Dave pulled over to put on his Bike Muffs. We hadn't gone more than 20 miles and it started raining and I when the rain started bouncing off my jacket and faceshield I looked down and the temp was 46 degrees. Lucky for us the sleet/rain lasted about 10 miles and as the road dried out the temp climbed up to 51 degrees. For those of you who are not comfortable crossing the Bridge of the Gods you do not want to cross the Nisutlin River at Teslin YT. The steel grating is twice as long and very rough and uneven so the bike likes to travel all over the bridge. To make matters worse the bridge was narrow so you didn't want a truck or motor home coming the other direction. Repairs to the highway are slow in coming and if you see an orange cone on the side of the road slow down because the road rough. Rough is a light way of saying bad. Some of the cracks or pot holes we saw the would seriously damage a bike and in fact Big Dave talked with a guy who lost a shock on Yamaha bagger the Cassiar Highway the day before.
Today was the first day that we did not see any bears or deer. Neither Big Dave or I killed any birds although Big Dave had several very close calls. Big Dave did have a close call with either a ground hog or marmot that ran crossed the road inb front of him. We did see two bald eagles perched up in a tree has we came into Whitehorse.

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